We've had another big week of growing! Are you ready for this? Are you sitting down? Okay, here we go..... FOUR POUNDS. Teagan has officially quadrupled her birth weight. A-ma-zing. And we have the double chin to prove it.
Um, those would be "phat" rolls, gangsta. |
I'm worth every penny! |
She was having some problems with making enough red blood cells and her bone marrow count (hematocrit and retic lab tests), so she started getting
Epoetin, or Epo, three times a week. Even though she does NOT like the shots, after a week of treatment, her blood counts are already looking better. We should have another week or so of shots and should be good. Have I thanked insurance lately? The shots are $1500....EACH. Yikes!
She's also getting to the point where her eyes are developed enough to start having some visual stimulation around the crib, so we picked up some fun toys for her to focus on. Ian of course found a Baby Einstein mirror that automatically makes your child a genius by virtue of some classical music it plays. Apparently it does not work on parents, because we couldn't find the off-switch. There is something distinctly hoity-toity about shopping to a personal soundtrack of classical music, so Ian and I slipped into our snooty alter egos "Muffy" and "Reginald" for the remainder of the shopping trip.
Enough with the Bach! Break out the Stones! |
The mobile that Mimi brought for Miss T did not have an arm to attach to crib, but that didn't stop the uber resourceful nurses at Evergreen! They helped us rig it from her IV drip, right in the line of sight. Perfect! Here's some pictures of our room at the hospital.
Home away from home. |
What is THAT?!? |
Our family board with Teagan' cards, etc. |
We call it a "Pugaboo" |
Our wonderful neighbors gave us a stroller that their granddaughter had outgrown. But not just any stroller - oh no. This is Princess Teagan's ride we're talking about here and nothing but the best will do. Teagan will be chauffeured around in her very own Bugaboo. I've done a fair amount of research on the best stroller to get a preemie and I am SO STINKIN' excited about this one I sounded like a used car salesman rattling off features to Ian when we got it home. Inflated tires! Lightweight! GPS! (Okay, maybe not, but I'm looking into HD radio).
And, because just one ride is never enough for a true princess...Mommy sadly traded in her trademark Jeep Wrangler. Goodbye, Black Pearl, I will miss you. In a couple of weeks, Teagan's new transport will arrive in time to take her home in style....a 2011 Nissan Juke! Our thanks and apologies to anyone that listened to Ian and I trying to decide on the "perfect" car and felt the need to go bang their heads on something repeatedly afterwards. But seriously....it's pretty. Like a little AWD spaceship. And red. Edward was most helpful in negotiating. Everyone at the dealership loved him. And if you're in the market for a Nissan - the guys at Stadium Nissan are great.
Does it LOOK like I want the extended warranty? |
Shiny! |
Next is getting Teagan to take her feeds by bottle. We are weaning her onto formula slowly because Mom, a.k.a "Bessie" has reached the end of the production line. She's taking to the formula well, and as one of the doctors in the unit says "
I'm a formula baby, and
I went to Harvard." (He could be the poster child for Enfamil). Teagan has to be able to take all her feeds by bottle before coming home. So far, she can handle one a day and it wipes her out. We'll keep trying though! Thank you for checking in and stop by again soon!
Nom Nom Nom |
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