Preemie parents with babies in the NICU are given sympathetic smiles and are told to do the best they can. Sometimes it's easy to figure out, as you are recouperating from major surgery there are some things your body just will not do. Other times it seems perfectly reasonable to work full time, spend several hours at the hospital and get up 2-3 times a night to pump breast milk so your supply doesn't dry up. It's enough to leave a girl feeling a little fractured, even with a super helpful husband. SO... we've gotten the schedule under control, I'm getting better at not being quite so "type A" about everything, and I'm cutting back a little with work and hospital visits. And Ian and I are talking and not calling each other third-grade playground names any more, so it's a win-win.
Teagan Leigh at 6 weeks |
We had a scare that she might have MRSA, which is an antibiotic resistant strain of staph infection. This was especially hard for me because she was put on isolation, which among other things meant that all non-parents had to put a gown and gloves on before entering the room. So instead of the nurses bustling in to adjust her oxygen when she had an breathing episode, I would watch while the nurses stood at the door and waited to see if Teagan would start breathing again on her own or whether they would need to come in. I can't blame them, but it was an awful thing to endure. Luckily her second test came back negative and all is back to "normal".
Her weight is up to 800 grams or 1 lb 12 oz, if I do my math right. She's up to 5.3 mL of milk every hour, which is considered full feeding for her weight and she has extra calories added, trying to increase her weight. Right now these are her two primary goals: strengthen her lungs and breathing so she will stop having apnea/bradycardia episodes and increase her weight.
Teagan, you are super cute today! Your eyes are huge and you love to look around at your surroundings. You also seem to recognize Mommy and Daddy's voices and move your eyes and little arms toward them when we talk to you. Other things you love today:
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Hooray for Binkies! |
-Pooping! Especially right after Mommy has just changed your tiny diaper! The best was the time I made some comment about having a stinky diaper in a closed, warm isolette and you looked up at me and crossed your eyes. You already are getting a great sense of humor!
-Kangaroo Care with Daddy! You absolutely cracked me up the first time Daddy held you. I watched as your tiny hand came down and grabbed...chest hair. And then your tiny forehead wrinkled in confusion and you looked up and your eyes went SO wide!
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What the.... |
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Don't eat me! |
-Hats...all the nurses LOVE to spoil you and bring different hats to keep you warm while Kangaroo Care-ing. You currently have 3, but the pink one was a little small, so I smuggled it home to add to your collection of tiny things.
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I can totally rock out with my pink hat! |
T is for Teagan |